Law Firm Case Study

How To Generate 30+ New Clients For Your Law Firm In The Next 30-Days Without Trial and Error…

Left side is proof of results, and the right side is our amazing client Daniel.

If you want to securely grow your legal practice fast…

Only work with the types of clients you love.

And take home a bigger paycheck without begging clients for referrals.

This will be the most important message you read this year.

Here’s why:

I’m about to show you how to generate 30+ new clients every month.

Within the next 30-days — at a tremendous profit.

Here, I’ll prove it.

Howdy, my name’s Lachie Pior.

I’ve worked for the top 3/5 marketing agencies in Australia.

And I would not hire a single one of them for my own business!

I could write a book on the reasons why.

But for brevity sake, let’s just say they simply don’t get results.

And I can tell you from actually working at all these agencies…

They are generalists, whose team consists of marketing graduates.

Who just stumbled out of university making $50k/year learning the ropes on your company’s dime.

Don’t let their shiny logo, and commission hungry sales reps fool you.

And don’t even get me started on the account managers who have not only never run a business…

But seem to vanish into thin air anytime you need something done from your agency.

Anyways, enough of the past.

Let’s focus on your future, because now you are here…

It’s going to be a bright one.

I could chew your ear off about how amazing we are.

But I’d rather show you the results we are generating right now for law firms like yours…

Than you can be the judge yourself (pun intended!).

This is one of our loyal clients, named Daniel.

He runs a spectacular practice, which awarded The #1 Best Family Law Firm in Melbourne 2023, called Aston Legal Group.

Everytime I see this image it reminds me that I need to level up my suit game. Sad face.

While ALG specializes in Family Law, the strategy we are actively using to grow his firm works for almost all types of law.

Which leads me to the results…

The screenshot below is from their Google ad account.

I’ll explain why we started with Google ads in a moment.

But first, look at the column titled “Conver”. It should say conversions, but I had to squeeze it in.

Now we consider a conversion to be…

A qualified potential client scheduling a meeting to speak with you about hiring your firm for their case — simple.

You’ll notice we have generated 188 meetings in the last 2 months!

How is the quality of these meetings?

Remember, these are people who are in pain.

Actively searching Google for “best divorce lawyer in Melbourne”.

Or whatever legal service and location you specialize in.

Than reading a carefully worded landing page walking them through…

All the reasons your firm is superior to other firms.

So yeah, they are looking to pull the trigger.

In fact, on average 33% of these conversations result in a new paying client for your firm.

*whips calculator out*

33% of 188 meetings = 62 new clients.

62 new clients divided by 2 months = 31 new clients a month.

But how much did it cost to generate 31 new high paying clients in a month?

Well this number will vary based on the type of client you want.

However, in this case we were targeting high end family law cases.

We spent a total of $8,152.25 on advertising over the 2 month period.$8,152.25 divided by 2 months = $4,076.12 a month in ad spend.

So every single month the results are looking like this:

$4,076.12 ad spend divided by 31 clients = $131 per new client.

I’m talking about…

Amazing new clients their team loves helping.

Generated on autopilot effortlessly.

Every single month without fail.

Imagine you want to grow your practice…

Bring on more solicitors…

And maximize your team’s billables…

So you simply flick the switch to turn on ads.

Then thanks to this proven system we can install for your firm…

You start signing new clients on demand every single day.

For as little as $131 each.

How would this change your business?

Sure, this will enable you to grow your firm exponentially.

But really, it’s freedom.

Freedom to earn whatever you please.

Freedom for your team members to work on amazing cases.

Freedom to go on holiday whenever you want…

While your firm continually grows without you.

Time to celebrate!

So how are we actually getting these results…

Like the step-by-step nitty gritty?

I’ll show you every last detail of it right now.

So you never need to worry about attracting new clients again.

Simply watch the video at the top of this page.

Don’t put it off, just watch it right now.

And if you already did that — high five! ✋

Is that us nailing the perfect high five on the first try?

Damn it we are good.

Anyways, I’m looking forward to meeting you.

Discussing the vision for your firm.

And if I believe I’m the best fit to help.

Giving you the guidance that ignites greatness.

Speak soon,

[email protected]

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